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En cours de chargement...

Parcours Sciences des Océans : Améliorer vos compétences pour trouver de l'emploi


The Ocean Sciences program is co-accredited by the Department of Physics, the Department of Chemistry and the Ecole Centrale Lyon.

Courses cover the fundamentals of water and ocean physico-chemistry, ocean currents and ocean interactions with the coastline, cryosphere, and atmosphere:

  • Water Physics II
  • Water Chemistry II
  • Oceanography
  • Atmosphere, Ocean and Ice Interactions
  • Remote Sensing
  • Master Project M2
  • Laboratory Experiments : LIDAR ; Mass transfer ; Wave turbulence ; Electrolysis ; ...
  • Options : Ocean and Coastal Engineering ; Hydrology and Hydrogeology ; ...
  • Internship M2 (6 months)
  • English M2
  • Professional Integration M2

Potential Students and Prerequisites :

The course is open to initial formation and apprenticeship training, for people interested in ocean sciences.

Skills :
Understand future issues related to interactions between the oceans and the atmosphere and the impact of climate on the oceans and cryosphere, in a theoretical, numerical and experimental way.
Job opportunities :
Future researchers and engineers specialized in modeling and observation of the oceans.
Assessment :
Practicals, written exams, written reports, oral presentations, numerical project, internship.


For more information: Contact
